George Hall's Creative Weblog

In the eighties, I was an Australian comics artist with a comic called REVERIE. Now I'm a social media blogger and video blogger.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Back to Blogging...

Hard to believe it's been over a year since my last past here. It ended up being a busy year, with my partner, Maria, recovering from a broken ankle sustained in December 2007. Baby David is now over two years old, work has settled down after a transitional period and we're about to see the other two lads off to school tomorrow.

Since my last blog post, the free ebook idea for "A Question of Theories" has actually borne some results, and it is effectively a little sleeper hit. I posted, almost a year ago, versions of the novel to Memoware, Feedbooks, Scribd and a couple more sites. Memoware alone has now reached well over 3,000 copies downloaded, Scribd has been viewed 700 times, Feedbooks nudging around 400, while the remainder add perhaps another hundred or so.

Not bad for around seven or eight months.

There seems to have been a bit of a spike in downloads of it in the months before the American Presidential Election.

As an interesting of Australia's morning shows aired a "blooper" reel of Dubbya's best lines. Anyone watching this would have agreed...Dubbya has a great future ahead of him as a comedian.

President Obama keeps his Blackberry, although he's probably had to put up with a few high-level security additions to it. But it's good seeing a Prez who knows his way around social networking and gadgets.

I gotta admit, although I just recently got an iPhone on a two-year plan, I'm looking forward to seeing the Palm Pre when it hits Australia.

It's a whole new year.