George Hall's Creative Weblog

In the eighties, I was an Australian comics artist with a comic called REVERIE. Now I'm a social media blogger and video blogger.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Change of Weblog Focus to Terragard/Terrorgard Showcase

It's Spring Cleaning Time here in Australia (well, almost Spring) and all my associated sites/blogs are undergoing revamp.

I decided the past few days this blog would be the perfect vehicle for my super-powered character, Terragard/Terrorgard and showcase his prior history and current story potential.

Perhaps the e-serial "Blood Of The Terragard" may continue here and reach its climax and conclusion.

Starting from the next post, I'll recount Terragard/Terrorgard's original published history
in the eighties Australian comic REVERIE as "Bloodgard", and show some of the original stories from that time. From there to character designs done as part of a proposal to a Sydney comic group in 1989. And after that...the return of our e-serial

In the meantime, to whet your whistle, here's a few pictures of Terragard/Terrorard done more recently, using technology we didn't have in the eighties, but would have loved to have used.

One of these graphics has been done on a 160x160 palm screen, while two of these have been done using a 320x240 pocketpc. Much more precise than a digitising tablet I have, even with the smaller screen real estate.

I'm waiting till tablet PC's come down in price, anticipating their screens as being even
better than pocketpc's to draw on.

We would so have liked to have had such equipment when this character first appeared.

In the meantime, I've trimmed out a lot of old posts which were no longer relevent and left only the best of the originals. And as you can clearly see, installed a nicer template for a decent look-and-feel.



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